Ron Cowart
Last seen: 1 month ago
I am a God fearing, Son believing Christian who tries to say that by example instead of words. I retired in 2011, after thirty-one years of service, as a police officer at the rank of Captain. I absolutely love the USA. Born and bred in the deep south, I have (or so I'm told) a deep southern drawl. I am married to a former beauty queen who holds several recognizable major titles. And I thank God every day that she is blind in one eye and can't see out the other. I am a registered Republican and by all accounts, a die-hard, patriotic conservative, who firmly believes that the USA doesn't owe ANYONE an apology, for that which we have accomplished, through the hard work of our citizens and the blood of our troops. I do not hate anyone. However, I do despise the platform on which the left stands. I am pro-life, pro prayer-in-schools and several other pros, all of which tend to set any liberal within a hundred yards off on a screaming, unintelligible tizzy.